The Karma Quintet (2000, 15')

Premiered by The Oberlin Percussion Group, Oberlin, OH 2002. A quintet in three movements. The two outer movements are fast, rhythmical and energetic, with different interlocking patterns, odd-time signatures and passages in rhythmical unison. The slow central movement has a more intimate and lyrical character. It emphasizes the mallet instruments (marimba, vibraphone, glockenspiel and antique cymbals) and has a four mallet cadenza for the marimba. Medium to high difficulty.


 I. Fast and with determination  II. Slow and mysterious III. Presto agitato



























































































Program Notes:

The Karma Quintet, in three movements, was composed with the idea of writing an ensemble piece for percussion that would place on the same level pitched and non pitched instruments. At the same time I tried to provide a good strong "work-out" for the players, creating complex interlocking rhythms and odd-time signatures. The wide variety of instruments used allows for timbral variety. The middle movement, which features a solo cadenza for the marimba, has a more meditative and mysterious character, thanks to the presence of the wind-wand and the antique cymbals. This work was funded in part by the Copying Assistance Program of the American Music Center.

Programma di Sala:

Il Quintetto del Karma, in tre movimenti, e' nato dal desiderio di scrivere un pezzo per percussioni che mettesse sullo stesso piano strumenti a suono determinato e indeterminato. Ho anche cercato di rendere il pezzo interessante dal punto di vista ritmico, creando figurazioni ritmiche a incastro e facendo ampio uso di tempi dispari. Il vasto numero di strumenti impiegati crea una maggiore varieta' timbrica. Il movimento centrale ha un carattere piu' meditativo e misterioso, reso piu' pregnante dal suono della macchina del vento e dei crotali, che creano una preparazione adatta alla cadenza senza accompagnamento della marimba. Quest lavoro e' stato in parte sovvenzionato dal Copying Assistance Program dell'American Music Center.

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